Why IIN coaches are struggling (straight from IIN grads)....🤯
When I asked my online community of IIN coaches to sound off on what y’all loved and didn’t love about the program, y’all really came THROUGH -
I was flooded with responses ranging from:
❌Not sure how to get clients or what to offer them specifically
❌Business portion feels non-applicable in today’s online climate
❌Feeling a little short-changed by the business portion of the program
❌Unsure how to stand out - there are so many IIN coaches online, it feels hard to escape the crowd
❌Feels like the end of the program is based on nonproductive positivity - “go out and do the thing!!” but how?!
If you can relate to these sentiments as an IIN grad (or someone considering choosing IIN) - I just filmed a resource for you👇🏼
In my newest free video training on youtube, I broke down the 3 most common ways that IIN coaches struggle in business AND how to overcome these factors:
⚡️They expected more from the business portion of the program + how to get on track as a business owner AND coach
⚡️Coaches feel like time gets away from them in a year-long program - i’m covering how to take back your timeline
⚡️IIN grads crave structure in their programs so they can implement amazing marketing - we’re discussing the details of signature offers
Share this with your coaching circle besties - y’all should be THRIVING together💸